Review: My Lady Bug


Dear Readers,

Today I am very excited to be reviewing ‘My Lady Bug’ – Ireland’s first period subscription box! I have seen similar products advertised on-line for America and have always wished we had something similar. What exactly is it? It’s a slim box that pops through your letter box once a month filled with pads/tampons, chocolate and tea. What more could a girl really ask for?


I myself have struggled horrendously with my period in the past. Although it is better than it used to be, it’s still an exhausting time of the month and something as simple as the My Lady Bug subscription really helps to ease this pain. There are some months where on my first day I don’t even leave my bed because the cramps are just too painful. I have had to take time out of school/college and often came to near-fainting points in school! While I know some girls who don’t get any pain at all (I envy you so much), for some of us it is a total nightmare.


At, we don’t use euphemism for periods, we don’t whisper about ‘your aunt flo visiting’ or ask if you ‘have the painters in.” I love the philosophy of the My Lady Bug company so much! Not only are they making our period less painful, but they are eradicating the shame that can often accompany your period.


A woman’s period is a natural and necessary part of her bodies system. It shouldn’t be viewed as embarrassing. Tampons are taxed at 5% in the UK as they are classed as a “luxury” however, they are not optional. We don’t choose to get our periods each month – no, we don’t enjoy bleeding for week, eating everything in sight, and crying whenever we drop a spoon. The least the government could do is not tax us for this. You know what aren’t taxed? Condoms. Condoms are optional. You choose to have sex. While the majority of the adult population are choosing to have sex, it remains a choice I would consider a “luxury”. So, why are we being taxed because we get our periods monthly? Just something to think about if you weren’t already aware of this.


So, despite all of this heartache, My Lady Bug have brought us this wonderful product. And guess what, it only costs €9.99 per month! Considering your pads/tampons can cost anywhere between €4-6 this is a great deal; it’s being delivered straight to your door with two chocolate (full-sized) treats and four sachets of Pukka Herbs tea – Pukka ‘Love’ tea, a mix of organic rose, chamomile and lavender – and, Pukka ‘Three Mint’ tea. The tea actually comes in a super cute satin black draw-string bag which is really handy because a) I carry tea bags with me to use in college and b) this bag could also act as a tiny purse for your pads/tampons.


If all of that isn’t convincing enough, My Lady Bug have been kind enough to give me a special discount for you lovely readers to get 15% off your first order! To redeem this discount simply enter “KBLOG” at the checkout. Click here to head directly over to My Lady Bug to put together your first order.

This is one less thing I now have to stress about! The packages are dispatched on the 19th-21st of each month and I have been told that these could soon be more catered to each specific cycle. For now, why wait to make your first order? Never worry about running to the shop to get emergency supplies again! All you have to do is curl up in bed with a hot water bottle and fluffy socks.


Kerry x

Sweet Talk: Funfetti Brownies


Dear Readers,

I am finally launching the baking section of my blog! Why this took so long? I have no idea. This summer has been sort of awkward but I’m firmly in baker/blogger/human mode again. To celebrate this, why not kick start this section with a classic batch of brownies!

Brownies, though a simple dessert, are tricky little things. People are so picky about how they like their brownies so, I made sure I found the perfect recipe so you will no longer be disappointed with overly “cakey” or sickeningly dense brownies. I decided to turn these into “Funfetti Brownies” to add a little more texture to the mix and create a fun and appealing dessert for any occasion 🙂

So, here is what you will need to bake your way to brownie heaven:
200g dark chocolate
200g butter
3 eggs
2 egg yolks
270g caster sugar
115g plain flour
35g cocoa powder
Dr. Oetker Sprinkles!


1) Break up your chocolate into a heat-proof bowl and, if you’ve succeeded in not sneaking half of the chocolate into your mouth, add the 200g of chopped butter in too. Melt over a saucepan of simmering water and make sure the bowl doesn’t touch the water.

sweettalktoptipschocolate brownies2

2) While allowing this to cool, line your baking tin (16 x 26cm) with grease-proof paper, leaving extra come up the sides so the brownies are easy to remove. (Cut into the corners so the parchment lies flat!) Break your eggs and egg yolks into a bowl and whisk until combined (my nan used to say they were fully combined if you could lift your fork and the egg ran through the middle of the fork prongs!)

3) Ensure that the chocolate/butter mixture is fully cooled before adding the eggs, otherwise the eggs may begin to cook! Stir to fully combine the two mixtures.

4) Sift the sugar and flour into a large bowl and stir to combine. Sift the cocoa powder in and stir. Brownies5

5) Add the chocolate mixture and sprinkles (!) to the dry ingredients and fold in. Be sure not to over-mix at this stage as your brownies could turn out slightly tough! Once everything is combined it’s good to go! brownies9

6) Pour the mixture into your tin and sprinkle the top with more sprinkles (sprinkles sprinkles sprinkles aaaaah!) Pop them into the oven at 160°C for 40-45 minutes (check them regularly). When you can stick a toothpick or a knife in and only crumbs stick to it then they are ready. brownies12

I decided I wanted to make a brownie frosting too, just to complete the recipe! I didn’t want anything too over-powering, brownies are rich enough as they are! I found this frosting on I Am Baker after a bit of research! It turned out quite nice in the end, though I wasn’t sure until they had chilled. I definitely recommend this frosting for the perfectly balanced brownie!

– 3 tablespoons butter
– 3 tablespoons cocoa powder
– 2-3 tablespoons whole milk (or heavy cream)
– 1 tablespoon honey
– 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
– 1 cup confectioners’ sugar

Mix all of the ingredients together with an electric mixer until fully combined. Spread across your brownies before slicing! I also added more sprinkles on top so that they would be wonderfully fun and colourful!

Keep these stored in the refrigerator and when you want one, place it in the microwave for 20-30 seconds and melt into chocolate heaven ❤
I cannot recommend these brownies enough! They will be my go-to recipe in the future! If you decide to make these, be sure to tag me on instagram so I can see them (@aspoonfulofperfection).

Happy Baking!
Kerry xx

The Versatile Blogger Award

versatile blogger

Dear Readers,

Whoop 2015 is going good so far and got even better when the lovely Cute & Bubbly nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award! It is a privilege to be thought of and I’d nominate her right back if I could so go check her blog out 🙂


  1. Show the award on your blog.
  2. Thank the person that nominated you.
  3. Share 7 facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate and link 15 blogs.

7 Facts About Me:

  1. I’m really freakin’ annoyed that Cinderella has been made into a live action film before I got the chance to audition. She is my actual childhood. Nevertheless I cannot waaait to see it 🙂 Click here for the trailer link! cinderella shoes
  2. I’ll be vlogging on YouTube soon! I’m currently in the planning process, looking for cameras, deciding what I’ll be doing. Super excited!
  3. I think I’m Emma Watson’s best friend. She doesn’t know me, but I know we’d be cool together. Feminism. Harry Potter. Actress. English Literature. Fashion. Yep. emmalaugh
  4. I had a dream last night that a ghost witch put a witch’s book in my fridge. No more chocolate before bedtime for me!
  5. My cat, Fred (named after Fred Weasley), doesn’t sleep on laps. Instead, he sleeps curled up on feet. Sometimes, he’ll wake up just so he can move his paw onto your foot.

    Yes. This is my cat.
    Yes. This is my cat.
  6. I spend too much time curled up with my cat.
  7. I like chocolate. And my nineteenth birthday is in two point five weeks *not so subtle wink*.

And I nominate:


all things britney lee

The Punchy Lands

Wish I Were Here


Thanks for reading, hope it has provided some more insight into my terribly exciting lifestyle 🙂 Until next time lovelies!

Kerry xx