Sweet Talk: Funfetti Brownies


Dear Readers,

I am finally launching the baking section of my blog! Why this took so long? I have no idea. This summer has been sort of awkward but I’m firmly in baker/blogger/human mode again. To celebrate this, why not kick start this section with a classic batch of brownies!

Brownies, though a simple dessert, are tricky little things. People are so picky about how they like their brownies so, I made sure I found the perfect recipe so you will no longer be disappointed with overly “cakey” or sickeningly dense brownies. I decided to turn these into “Funfetti Brownies” to add a little more texture to the mix and create a fun and appealing dessert for any occasion 🙂

So, here is what you will need to bake your way to brownie heaven:
200g dark chocolate
200g butter
3 eggs
2 egg yolks
270g caster sugar
115g plain flour
35g cocoa powder
Dr. Oetker Sprinkles!


1) Break up your chocolate into a heat-proof bowl and, if you’ve succeeded in not sneaking half of the chocolate into your mouth, add the 200g of chopped butter in too. Melt over a saucepan of simmering water and make sure the bowl doesn’t touch the water.

sweettalktoptipschocolate brownies2

2) While allowing this to cool, line your baking tin (16 x 26cm) with grease-proof paper, leaving extra come up the sides so the brownies are easy to remove. (Cut into the corners so the parchment lies flat!) Break your eggs and egg yolks into a bowl and whisk until combined (my nan used to say they were fully combined if you could lift your fork and the egg ran through the middle of the fork prongs!)

3) Ensure that the chocolate/butter mixture is fully cooled before adding the eggs, otherwise the eggs may begin to cook! Stir to fully combine the two mixtures.

4) Sift the sugar and flour into a large bowl and stir to combine. Sift the cocoa powder in and stir. Brownies5

5) Add the chocolate mixture and sprinkles (!) to the dry ingredients and fold in. Be sure not to over-mix at this stage as your brownies could turn out slightly tough! Once everything is combined it’s good to go! brownies9

6) Pour the mixture into your tin and sprinkle the top with more sprinkles (sprinkles sprinkles sprinkles aaaaah!) Pop them into the oven at 160°C for 40-45 minutes (check them regularly). When you can stick a toothpick or a knife in and only crumbs stick to it then they are ready. brownies12

I decided I wanted to make a brownie frosting too, just to complete the recipe! I didn’t want anything too over-powering, brownies are rich enough as they are! I found this frosting on I Am Baker after a bit of research! It turned out quite nice in the end, though I wasn’t sure until they had chilled. I definitely recommend this frosting for the perfectly balanced brownie!

– 3 tablespoons butter
– 3 tablespoons cocoa powder
– 2-3 tablespoons whole milk (or heavy cream)
– 1 tablespoon honey
– 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
– 1 cup confectioners’ sugar

Mix all of the ingredients together with an electric mixer until fully combined. Spread across your brownies before slicing! I also added more sprinkles on top so that they would be wonderfully fun and colourful!

Keep these stored in the refrigerator and when you want one, place it in the microwave for 20-30 seconds and melt into chocolate heaven ❤
I cannot recommend these brownies enough! They will be my go-to recipe in the future! If you decide to make these, be sure to tag me on instagram so I can see them (@aspoonfulofperfection).

Happy Baking!
Kerry xx

The Beauty of the Bake


Dear Readers,

As I write this, there is mouth-watering white soda bread baking in the oven and I can’t quite wait to bring you the baking section of my blog! While it’s being set up, I thought I’d give you some background on my baking history and why I love it so much.

I began baking at a very young age next to my Nan. She spent her whole life baking. Baking bread, scones, tarts, cakes and so much more. It was only natural that she would introduce me to this pastime. It wasn’t long before I realised how much I loved baking, and how much other people liked to eat what I baked! At least once week I went home to my Nan and Granddad’s house after school and we would bake something. This was when I heard most of the stories from her childhood and possibly why I grew such a love for the evening bake. She didn’t even use measurements, it all came from memory. We rarely used mixers, everything was completely handmade – a touch I think is important. There is definitely a difference between machine made and handmade.


For a long time, right up to Transition Year, I wanted to go on and become a baker professionally. I still sometimes think about how much fun it would be to own my own little bakery. And hey it isn’t something I don’t think is possible! I eventually decided against studying to become a baker/confectioner because I never wanted to lose my love for it by turning it into work. However, I continue to bake on a regular basis. Even today if I ask my Nan about a recipe I’ve forgotten she can tell me off the top of her head what I need.

That is why I am so excited to reveal the baking section of my blog next week! Sharing with you my favourite bakes, recipes, baking blunders, tips, history and my own stories on a weekly basis. There’s a lot I have to share from the last 14 years or so!

Until next time lovelies,

Kerry x

The Liebster Award

Liebster Award

Well, first of all thanks a bunch to Confetti and Curves for my Liebster Award Nomination. My first one! ^^ Pop over to her blog and give her a follow, absolutely lovely!

Rules for the Liebster Award:

1. Display the Liebster Award logo on your blog.

2. Thank and link back to the person who has nominated you.

3. List 11 facts about yourself.

4. Answer the 11 questions they have posted.

5. Create 11 questions to ask.

6. Choose your own nominations.

11 Facts About Me:

  • I’m in my first year of Theatre and Drama studies in college.
  • I absolutely love to bake and for years it was the career I wanted to pursue.
  • I love to read Angel Cards and regularly read them for other people.
  • I’m still afraid of the dark and prefer to fall asleep with the light on but the whole college/money/electricity fiasco means I can’t do this any more… I did discover on my first night though that there were glow in the dark stickers on my ceiling 🙂
  • I’ve watched The Notebook a hundred billion times and can pretty much quote the movie as it plays.. Call me typical but I just can’t get over it.
  • Tea is my life source.. I actually get headaches when I don’t have tea for a day (which never happens).
  • I looooove dancing. Not the professional kind, the “she’s sober, really?” kind. Can’t help but to boogy. Baz Luhrmann advised it and who am I to go against his words?
  • I have a love affair with Jane Austen. Can I be Elizabeth Bennett for just a day, please?
  • Chinese food is the way forward in life..
  • I took pole-dance classes this Summer and would have stayed if I had the money.. Some day I’ll return!
  • I have a dream to perform with Cirque du Soleil – yep, easily satisfied…

 What’s the one beauty or makeup product you keep stocked up at all times?

Definitely foundation. I struggle with my skin so I always make sure I have a good foundation/BB Cream. Currently using Benefit’s Oxygen WOW Foundation and 17’s BB Cream.

What’s your nightly skin care routine?

I had been using La Roche Posay Effaclar Purifying Cleansing Gel followed by Effalcar Duo [+] Moisturiser. I am currently out of both and saving up to buy them again so I’m washing my face at night with Emulsifying Ointment which actually works wonders!

Coffee or Tea?

Tea. Every time.

What would be the title of your life story if made into a movie?

I actually haven’t a clue.. Probably just self-title or something.

Who would play the lead character?

In an ideal world, Emma Watson. Who isn’t obsessed with her?

Describe your current fashion style?

Well, for my course it’s all black almost everyday. When  I do get to wear what I want I bounce between 90’s to kind of cosy feminine (think woolly cardigans and dresses).

What’s been your worst wardrobe disaster?

I went through a pretty heavy fedora and brightly coloured skinny jeans phase.. Let’s just not re-visit it.

Who’s your favourite author & why?

Ahhhhh… I may just say J.K. Rowling because Harry Potter is so so important to me. She’s a genius.

Name three things that you have to have in your handbag?

Essence lipstick, a compact mirror and thousands of receipts.

What’s your favourite self-written blog post to date? (post link also)

I’d have to say my blog post about anxiety called “Kicking Anxiety’s Butt” made me pretty proud. I was happy to finally share that with readers and friends and I got so much response. That was a special day for me because I learned so many other people were going through it. You can find it here or on my Facebook Blog Page here

If you could swap lives with someone for one week who would it be?

Emma Watson! She’s living the life I want. Working as a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, fashion model, actress, Hermione Granger. Pretty much my role model.

My 11 Questions:

  • If you had a free ticket to go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
  • What made you start blogging?
  • What is your guilty pleasure?
  • What’s your favourite holiday and why?
  • Sweet or Savoury?
  • If your house was on fire what one item would you grab and why?
  • Will you be dressing up this Halloween?
  • What is your favourite perfume/scent?
  • What is your favourite book?
  • Who is your role model?
  • City or Country?

And finally, my nominees (I wasn’t following many blogs so I went on a hunt and found these lovely ones):

Gypsy and the Botanist

Cute and Bubbly

the migrant chef


Journal of a Shopaholic

So that’s it! Thank you again and Happy Sunday! 🙂

Kerry xx