The Beauty of the Bake


Dear Readers,

As I write this, there is mouth-watering white soda bread baking in the oven and I can’t quite wait to bring you the baking section of my blog! While it’s being set up, I thought I’d give you some background on my baking history and why I love it so much.

I began baking at a very young age next to my Nan. She spent her whole life baking. Baking bread, scones, tarts, cakes and so much more. It was only natural that she would introduce me to this pastime. It wasn’t long before I realised how much I loved baking, and how much other people liked to eat what I baked! At least once week I went home to my Nan and Granddad’s house after school and we would bake something. This was when I heard most of the stories from her childhood and possibly why I grew such a love for the evening bake. She didn’t even use measurements, it all came from memory. We rarely used mixers, everything was completely handmade – a touch I think is important. There is definitely a difference between machine made and handmade.


For a long time, right up to Transition Year, I wanted to go on and become a baker professionally. I still sometimes think about how much fun it would be to own my own little bakery. And hey it isn’t something I don’t think is possible! I eventually decided against studying to become a baker/confectioner because I never wanted to lose my love for it by turning it into work. However, I continue to bake on a regular basis. Even today if I ask my Nan about a recipe I’ve forgotten she can tell me off the top of her head what I need.

That is why I am so excited to reveal the baking section of my blog next week! Sharing with you my favourite bakes, recipes, baking blunders, tips, history and my own stories on a weekly basis. There’s a lot I have to share from the last 14 years or so!

Until next time lovelies,

Kerry x